- Abandoned camp
- Badbats that eat
- Barely Alive Dog
- Battlera
- Big skeleton
- Bloodstains
- Bread smell
- Cache
- Creature behind cars
- Fresh Fruits
- Fresh Hole
- Fresh Human body
- Hopper is planting
- Organic Capsule
- Organic growth
- Paratrooper
- Pile of books
- Rain of Worms
- Resting Battlera
- Scream
- Shot
- Something stinky
- Strange Construction
- Strange Hunter
- Stranger
- Truck
- Waiting person
Abandoned camp
You found an old Hoppers’ camp. It looks like it was abandoned many days ago.
This will end the event.
Abandoned camp Part 2
You found something that looks like a photo book. It contains knowledge about another planet!
This will end the event.
Badbats that eat
You see a few Badbats eating some dead creature.
Event is over.
Badbats that eat Part 2
It seems that they are completely focused on eating, so it will be easy to launch a surprise attack now.
Go away
This will end the event.
Badbats that eat Part 3
You killed 3 Badbats before they had even noticed what was going on.
You have to fight the remaining Badbats. The event is over after the fight.
Badbats that eat Part 4
Badbats suddenly stopped eating and unexpectedly took to the air.
This will end the event.
Go away
This will end the event.
Barely Alive Dog
You just found a barely alive dog. He is sick, breathing loudly and has recently vomited. What are you doing?
Kill him
Give food & water
Leave him
This will end the event.
Barely Alive Dog Part 2
He’s dead. The cause of death was apparently alien parasites that contaminated the water. It’s so sad that our animals don’t know what it is and can’t cope with it…
Bury the dog
Barely Alive Dog Part 3
This will end the event.
Barely Alive Dog Part 4
The dog was extremely hungry. It looks like he has been starving for a long time. You did a good thing.
This will end the event.
You saw a Battlera chasing a dog. What are you doing?
You have to fight the Battleras. Event is over after the fight.
See Battlera Part 2
Battlera Part 2
Battlera was incredibly fast, caught up and beat the dog in a few seconds. Battlera took the dead body and fled almost effortlessly.
You have to fight the Battleras. Event is over after the fight.
Event is over.
Big skeleton
You spot a corpse of a big alien sea creature, bigger than a truck.
Big skeleton Part 2
Brown bones smells awful. The creature looks herbivorous. There’s a lot of worms around it.
Dig a grave
Go away
This will end the event.
Big skeleton part 3
It’s difficult to say if it was worth to spend so much time here.
Go away
This will end the event.
Everywhere on the walls were bloodstains. It was probably human blood.
Event is over.
Bloodstains Part 2
It looks like something has attacked from underground. The soil is still fresh.
Bloodstains Part 3
Something is moving under the ground. What should we do?
You have to fight Nematodes. Event is over after the fight.
The event is over.
Bloodstains Part 4
It is a Nematode! The creature crawled out from the soil and is now trying to attack you.
The event is over.
You have to fight Nematodes. Event is over after the fight.
Bakery smell
You smell freshly baked bread. Should we check where the smell is coming from?
This will end the event.
Bakery smell Part 2
Inside a building, someone is preparing food.
Check it
This will end the event.
Bakery smell Part 3
A small family lives here. One of the children saw you and alarmed the father. He asked you to go away.
This will end the event.
Ask way
Bakery smell Part 4
The man is afraid of Demons. He’s aware that bigger groups of people can lure them. He seems pretty knowledgeable.
This will end the event.
Ask for food
Bakery smell Part 5
The man throws you a fresh loaf of bread and tells you to leave.
Retreat (Reward: 2x
This will end the event.
Ask more
Bakery smell Part 6
He refused and got agressive. He call kids to hide and prepare the weapon.
This will end the event.
Kill him
Say sorry
This will end the event.
Bakery smell Part 7
He had no, ammo…You win.
Rob house (Reward: 6x
This will end the event.
Bakery smell Part 8
He call kids to hide and prepare the weapon.
This will end the event.
Kill him
A wall got destroyed a few days ago, inside you see something similar to the cache.
Event is over.
Investigate (Reward: 3x
You found some interesting items inside. Event is over.
Creature behind cars
Something big is hiding behind those cars.
Go away
Event is over.
See Creature behind cars Part 2
See Creature behind cars Part 3
Creature behind cars Part 2
It looks like it’s a lone Armadon.
Event is over.
You have to fight a lonely Armadon. The event is over after the fight.
Creature behind cars Part 3
You provoked the Armadon to attack. There is only one option left.
You have to fight the Armadon. The event is over after the fight.
Fresh Fruits
Somebody left a few fresh alien fruits on the ground near a wall. They look tasty.
This will end the event.
Check the place
Try to eat (Reward: 5x
Fresh Fruits Part 2
There are few Hoppers around. It looks it is a trap. What we should do?
This will end the event.
You have to fight Hoppers. The event is over after the fight.
Try to eat (Reward: 5x
Fresh Fruits Part 3
You start eating. Great food! You start collecting fruits when Hoppers attack!
You have to fight Hoppers. The event is over after the fight.
Fresh Hole
There is a fresh hole in the ground. An average person could squeeze through it.
This will end the event.
Fresh Hole Part 2
There are 5 blue alien eggs inside the hole. Should we destroy them or leave them alone?
This will end the event.
Destroy it
Fresh Hole Part 3
That’s an easy one. Those are eggs of Lapieto.
Fresh Human body
There is a fresh human corpse here.
This will end the event.
Check body (Reward: 3x
Fresh Human body Part 2
You found some useful stuff.
This will end the event.
Fresh Human body Part 3
Nothing happened. Clouds are coming, so it’s better to leave.
This will end the event.
Hopper is planting
You see a Hopper planting some alien plants.
Come closer
Go away
This will end the event.
Hopper is planting Part 2
Hopper just watered the plants and quickly went away.
Check plants
Hopper is planting Part 3
They do not look dangerous. Just plants with hairy leaves.
Destroy plants
Go away
This will end the event.
Hopper is planting Part 4
You see that the Hopper is very angry. He keeps his distance and is ready to escape.
Attack him
You have to fight Hopper. Event is over after the fight.
Go away
This will end the event.
Hopper is planting Part 5
Hopper tries to convey his peaceful intentions with gestures. He shows you that plants will become food.
Ask more
See Hopper is planting part
Attack him
You have to fight Hopper. Event is over after the fight.
Leave him
This will end the event.
Hopper is planting Part 6
Hopper explains his role as a Terraformer. He prepares the terrain for future colonization.
Attack him
You have to fight Hopper. Event is over after the fight.
Ask more
Hopper is planting Part 7
He is asking you how to recognize eatable plants on Earth. Would you tell him?
Show no clue
Show no time
This will end the event.
Attack him
You have to fight Hopper. Event is over after the fight.
Hopper is planting Part 8
Hopper tried to show his gratitude, but he has to leave.
Say bye
This will end the event.
Hopper is planting Part 9
Hopper tries to communicate with you for a few minutes, but finally, gives up.
Say bye
This will end the event.
Organic Capsule
There is a strange organic capsule laying on the ground. Look awful like a human-size egg.
This will end the event.
Organic Capsule Part 2
The capsule stinks and it looks like there’s something inside of it. Should we destroy it?
This will end the event.
Destroy it
Organic Capsule Part 3
How should we destroy it?
From far
Not from far
Organic Capsule Part 4
The capsule had high pressure inside and exploded. Explosion covers everything with mush full of larves.
This will end the event.
Organic Capsule Part 5
The pressure inside the capsule was very high, so it blew up. A mush is full of parasites covered your team. Let’s hope no one will get sick.
Organic growth
A strange white organic growth is growing along the wall.
It smells like halva.
This will end the event.
Taste it
Eat it
This will end the event.
Organic growth Part 2
Extremely acidic, but soft and fragrant. All in all, tasty, especially the harder threads inside.
Collect (Reward: 6x
This will end the event.
This will end the event.
This will end the event.
Hopper fell from the cloud above your heads. After a few seconds, he spread the makeshift parachute, but he is falling too fast. You saw where he hit the ground.
Run there
Go there
This will end the event.
Paratrooper Part 2
Hopper fell down and he is not in good condition. He looks scared and he is bleeding for sure.
Attack him
You have to fight Hopper. The event is over after the fight.
Try to help him
Greet him
Paratrooper Part 3
Hopper doesn’t know how to react. He is confused and he tries to protect himself and his backpack. You see that you need more time to show your good intentions.
Show good intentions
Try to help him
This will end the event.
Attack him
You have to fight Hopper. The event is over after the fight.
Paratrooper Part 4
You found signs of Hooper blood on the ground, but he already went somewhere.
Look for him
This will end the event.
Paratrooper Part 5
You lost him.
This will end the event.
Paratrooper Part 6
He tries to talk with you. He is making lot’s of noise and behaves like he is thinking about attacking you or escape.
Leave him
This will end the event.
Show good intentions
Attack him
You have to fight Hopper. The event is over after the fight.
Paratrooper Part 7
You gave him a small gift. He starts quickly waving hands and finally he gives you something in return. It looks like metal pieces with small pictures. It seems to be a strange book about the planet.
Try to communicate
Leave him
This will end the event.
Paratrooper Part 8
He did not accept your care. He jumped off surprisingly quickly and began to run away.
Leave it
This will end the event.
Chase him
Paratrooper Part 9
He was super engaged in communicating with you just for 10 minutes, the rest of the time he was rather passive but friendly. You learn a lot during this time. You hope to see him again one day.
Leave him
This will end the event.
Pile of books
Somebody made a pile of books leaning against a wall. Should we take some?
Take (Reward: 16x
This will end the event.
This will end the event.
Pile of books Part 2
It looks there is no owner. Should we take it some books?
Take (Reward: 16x
This will end the event.
This will end the event.
Rain of Worms
A huge amount of black worms starts falling on you from the cloud above.
Run away
Event is over.
Hide in building
See Rain of Worms Part 2.
Rain of Worms Part 2
After a minute the rain stops. Small, black insects look strange, but not dangerous.
Event is over.
Kill few
See Rain of Worms Part 3.
Rain of Worms Part 3
You easily killed a few creatures. They just try to hide when they see you.
Try to kill all
See Rain of Worms Part 4.
Leave them
Event is over.
Rain of Worms Part 4
You killed hundreds of them before you noticed a Demon right in front of you. Run!
Run away
You have to fight Demon/s. The event is over after the fight.
Resting Battlera
You see Battlera is sleeping or just resting near to the tree.
You have to fight Battleras. The event is over after the fight.
Make a trap
Resting Battlera Part 2
The creatures are smarter than you’d think. Battlera attacks you from behind.
You have to fight Battleras. The event is over after the fight.
Resting Battlera Part 3
A trap was a great choice! Battlera tries to cheat you, showing how weak it is, but your surprise attack works perfectly. Quick victory.
The event is over.
Resting Battlera Part 4
Battlera tries to show that she is weak. You not react and she runs away.
The event is over.
Outside a building, you hear a human’s scream.
Run there
See Scream Part 2
Event is over.
See Scream Part 7
Scream Part 2
You see the group of people lying on the ground and one person who is running away.
See Scream Part 3
See Scream Part 8
Run away
Event is over.
See Scream Part 3
Scream Part 3
The people are all dead. Over their fresh bodies you see an awful transparent creature. It’s a Demon.
Run away
Event is over.
You have to fight a Demon. The event is over after the fight.
See Scream Part 4
Scream Part 4
The demon is lurking for more life energy but is less and less visible. After a few minutes, you lost sight of him.
See Scream Part 5
Check bodies
You have to fight a Demon. The event is over after the fight.
Run away
Event is over.
Scream Part 5
It looks that Demon is gone, but you can’t be sure.
Go away (Reward: 5x
, 1x
, 1x
and 1x
Event is over.
Check bodies
See Scream Part 6
Wait a bit longer
See Scream Part 5
Scream Part 6
You found some useful things. It’s unfortunate that those people forgot that Demons are hunting for larger groups of creatures.
Go away
Event is over.
Scream Part 7
Silence. Nothing more happens.
Go there
See Scream Part 3
Event is over.
Scream Part 8
person is running away in panic. What we should do?
See Scream Part 4
This will end the event.
Run away
This will end the event.
You heard a loud shot. A cloud of dust rises near you. The shot was directed in you!
Run away & Withdraw slowly
Both of the upper choices cause this event to end.
See Shot Part 2
Shot Part 2
You hear 2 more shots and one of your team members screams. The attacker got him, but you can’t determine where the attack came from. It’s very risky to go any further.
Run away
The event ends.
Try to attack!
See Shot Part 3
Shot Part 3
You attacked but nobody was found. You had the impression that the attacker is waiting for the next occasion to shoot or run away.
Go away
The event ends.
Something stinky
There is something stinky up ahead.
Go away
This will end the event.
Something stinky Part 2
It is a dead body of a big alien.
This will end the event.
Something stinky Part 3
You learned something useful.
This will end the event.
Strange Construction
There is a structure built of cars up ahead.
Go away
The event is over.
You’ll have to fight a Knightmare. The event is over after the fight.
Strange Hunter
You see a man in an orange suit putting plastic bags on the ground. Do you talk to him?
This will end the event.
Strange Hunter Part 2
The man said that Armadons sometimes eat colored plastic bags. So now he puts all kinds of poisons in the bags to check what will be toxic to them.
Ask more
This will end the event.
Strange Hunter Part 3
He gave you more info about Armadons and promised to share his notes after completing his research.
Leave & Go away
These will end the event.
Strange Hunter Part 4
Finally, the Armadons approached this place! What are you doing now?
You have to fight Armadons. The event is over after the fight.
Go away
This will end the event.
Strange Hunter Part 5
The Armadons herd ate a few plastic bags and left the place.
You heard something similar to human steps. Someone is here.
See Stranger Part 2
The event ends.
Stranger Part 2
You quickly found the man. He was looking for his family here. When he got information that you didn’t meet them he goes away.
The event ends.
This Event ends.
You see a small truck with stickers from a food company. It looks like a truck has not been plundered yet!
See Truckt 2
This will end the event.
Truck Part 2
Great! You found food and seeds!
Great (Reward: 6x
This will end the event.
Waiting person
You saw the man near a tree. He looks at you.
This will end the event.
Waiting person Part 2
He lives here and has been waiting for his team. You don’t want to risk luring the demons so you speak quickly. You can swap some info. What kind of knowledge do you want to get?
This will end the event.
This will end the event.
This will end the event.
This will end the event.